Cigars, especially Black and Milds, are more than just tobacco products; they're an experience. But to truly savor that experience, proper storage and handling are key. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or just starting your journey into the world of cigars, these tips will ensure your Black and Milds are always ready for enjoyment.

Understanding Black and Mild Cigars

Before diving into storage tips, let's briefly understand what sets Black and Mild cigars apart. These cigars, manufactured by Middleton, Inc., offer a unique blend of pipe tobacco wrapped in a homogenized tobacco leaf. They come in various flavors, from classic to wine-infused, providing a diverse range of smoking experiences.

Why Proper Storage Matters

Proper storage is crucial for maintaining the flavor, aroma, and overall quality of your Black and Mild cigars. Improper storage conditions can lead to issues like dryness, mold growth, and flavor degradation, ultimately impacting your smoking experience.

Optimal Storage Conditions

To ensure your Black and Mild cigars stay fresh and flavorful, follow these storage guidelines:

  • Humidity Control: Maintain a relative humidity (RH) level of around 70% in your cigar storage environment. Investing in a quality humidor or humidity control device is essential for achieving and maintaining this ideal humidity level.
  • Temperature: Keep your cigars in a cool, consistent environment, ideally around 65-70°F (18-21°C). Avoid storing them in areas prone to temperature fluctuations, such as near windows or heating vents.
  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: Exposure to direct sunlight can cause cigars to dry out and lose flavor. Store your Black and Milds in a dark place, away from sunlight and fluorescent lighting.

Proper Storage Techniques

Now that you understand the importance of proper storage conditions, let's delve into specific techniques to keep your Black and Mild cigars in optimal condition:

Use a Humidor

Investing in a quality humidor is the best way to store your cigars. Humidors provide a controlled environment with stable humidity and temperature levels, preserving the freshness of your cigars over time. Make sure to season your humidor properly before storing your cigars to ensure it reaches the ideal humidity level.

Humidor Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your humidor functioning properly. Monitor the humidity levels using a hygrometer and refill the humidification device as needed. Additionally, periodically rotate your cigars to ensure even aging and prevent any moisture buildup in the humidor.

Alternative Storage Options

If you don't have access to a humidor, there are alternative methods for storing your Black and Mild cigars:

Mason Jars or Tupperware Containers

Sealable glass jars or plastic containers can serve as makeshift humidors. Place a small humidification device, such as a humidification pack or sponge, inside the container to maintain humidity levels. Make sure to check the humidity regularly and replenish the humidification device as needed.

Cedar Lining

Adding cedar strips or sheets to your storage container can help regulate humidity and enhance the flavor of your cigars. Cedar absorbs excess moisture and imparts a pleasant aroma to the cigars, contributing to a more enjoyable smoking experience.

Enjoying Your Black and Mild Cigars

Now that you've mastered the art of proper storage, it's time to indulge in the rich flavors of your Black and Mild cigars. Here are some tips for maximizing your smoking pleasure:

Proper Lighting Technique

When lighting your cigar, use a butane torch or wooden matches to avoid introducing unwanted flavors. Hold the flame slightly below the foot of the cigar and rotate it slowly to ensure an even burn. Avoid using lighter fluids or gasoline-powered lighters, as they can taint the flavor of the tobacco.

Slow and Steady Puffing

Take your time when smoking a Black and Mild cigar. Puff slowly and evenly to avoid overheating the tobacco and spoiling the flavor. Excessive puffing can also lead to bitterness and a harsh smoking experience, so savor each draw and allow the flavors to unfold gradually.

Pairing with Beverages

Enhance your smoking experience by pairing your Black and Mild cigar with complementary beverages. Whether it's a glass of fine whiskey, a robust cup of coffee, or a smooth red wine, the right pairing can elevate the flavors of both the cigar and the drink. Experiment with different combinations to discover your perfect match.


Proper storage and handling are essential for preserving the quality and flavor of your Black and Mild cigars. By following these tips, you can ensure that your cigars remain fresh and enjoyable, allowing you to fully appreciate the unique smoking experience they offer.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Can I store Black and Mild cigars in the refrigerator?

Storing cigars in the refrigerator is not recommended, as the cold, dry environment can cause them to dry out and lose flavor. It's best to use a humidor or alternative storage methods with controlled humidity and temperature levels.

  • How often should I check the humidity levels in my humidor?

It's a good idea to check the humidity levels in your humidor at least once a week, especially if you live in a dry climate or experience significant temperature fluctuations. Adjust the humidification device as needed to maintain the optimal RH level.

  • Can I store different cigar brands together in the same humidor?

While it's technically possible to store different cigar brands together in the same humidor, it's generally not recommended. Different cigars may have distinct flavor profiles, and storing them together could result in flavor transfer or contamination. It's best to use separate humidors for different cigar brands to preserve their individual characteristics.

  • How long can I store Black and Mild cigars before they lose their freshness?

With proper storage, Black and Mild cigars can maintain their freshness for several months to a year or more. However, for the best smoking experience, it's recommended to consume them within a reasonable timeframe to enjoy their optimal flavor and aroma.